CONGRATS to our spring cast & crews!
We know that every cast/crew list brings highs and lows: incredible joy and deep disappointment. Please know that our directing teams spent HOURS finding the best fit for each student. We know that whatever opportunity you were offered, you will learn a ton and have a blast! You are awesome! We encourage you to be open to what this semester has for you! Congrats to everyone on an amazing weekend!
Parent Reminder: ALL parents of students cast will be assigned a volunteer role on any of the three shows. Parent assignments will be given out later this week.
- Honk Cast: 1st Rehearsal will be Saturday, Feb 5th, Full Cast from 9-1. Mandatory Parent Meeting at 9:00am.
- Puffs Cast/Crew: 1st Read through Tuesday, Feb 1st at 6:00pm for all cast & crew in Lauren's Room.
- Gypsy Cast: Schedule info will be sent out shortly.
Gypsy Student Cast
Note: Gypsy is still seeking Tween/Teen males for cast. If interested, please email
Baby June: Aubrey Doty
Young Louis: Maeve Charlton
Dainty June: Claudia Kupec
Farmboy/Ensemble: J.C. Crosley-Corcoran
Kid/Newsboy/Ensemble: Lila Beck
Kid/Newsboy/Ensemble: Tallulah Busch
Kid/Newsboy/Ensemble: Mila Panos
Toreadorable/Hollywood Blond/Ensemble: Stella Barnicle
Toreadorable/Hollywood Blond/Ensemble: Caroline Busch
Honk Jr.
Cast/Student Crew List Spring 2022
Ugly: Hank Rosenberg
Ida: Veronica Veers
Cat: Vivvi Ottenhoff
Drake: Richard Kluchenek
Turkey: Venny Cordero
Henrietta: Brooke Simmons
Maureen: Yoshanny Cordero
Grace: Brooke McMullen
Jay Bird: Jeremy Elrod
Bullfrog : Kaerington Kopp
Beaky: Brooke Mummert
Downy: Brenna Remus
Fluff: Avery Simpson
Billy: Zoe Vladika
Penny :June Marzo
Blizzard Solo: Layla Cummings
Blizzard Solo: Yoshanny Cordero
Mother Swan: Julia Manthei
Father Swan: Nate Remus
Geese & Ensemble
Greylag: Ari Eli*
Dot: Layla Cummings*
Snowy: Aiden Leonard
Barnacles: Thora Jenkins
Avery Simpson
Brenna Remus
Brooke Simmons
Cassidy McCloskey
Elijah Leonard
Haylin Wesolowski
Isaak Radi
James Barney*
Kaerington Kopp
Kharun Tallarovic
Kieran Joyce
Lily Fountain*
Lucy Hufford*
Nate Remus
Richard Kluchenk
Simone Bilow
Venny Cordero*
*- Fabric Dancers
Fish & Ensemble
CeCe Smith (Dance Captain)
Alexa Fey
Ben Crandall
Brooke McMullen
Brooke Mummert
Clementine Audino
Elly Ahlm
Jeremy Elrod
Julia Manthei
June Marzo
Liliana Grummit
Nora James
Yoshanny Cordero
Zoe Vladika
Frogletts & Ensemble
Adeline Hultgren
Ava Doty
Carter Schultz
Ellis Escoto
Emersyn Bradford
Jack Bhandarkar
Judah Leonard
Juniper Leonard
Keely Conboy
Naomi Bilow
Penelope Vladika
Backstage Singers:
Ari Eli
Ben Crandall
Cece Smith
Jeremy Elrod
Layla Cummings
Lucy Hufford
Nate Remus
Nora James
Richard Kluchenek
Zoe Vladika
Students Crew:
Stage Manager: TBD
Assistant Stage Managers: Dakota Noyes, Ellie Baldwin, Kendall Solik
Props/Paint: Brae Medders, Lila Nandan, Jayden Wulff, Mae O'Connell, Caroline Busch, Tallulah Busch, JC Crossley
Costumes:Makeup Zaelyn Marshall, Kira Ramana, Sophia Symkowski, Mila Panons
HSR: Puffs
Cast/Student Crew List Spring 2022
Narrator: Courtney McMullen
Wayne Hopkins: Lucas Barnes
Oliver Rivers: Oli Thompson
Megan Jones: Shea Winchester
Ernie Mac and Others: Cooper Brown
J. Finch Fletchley and Others: Payton Yagoda
Hannah and Others: Lola Podolner
Leanne and Others: Georgia Marzo
Sally Perks and Others: Tess Larmon
Susie Bones and Others: Rhys Winchester
Cedric and Other: Lucia Marginean
Director: Mads Wren
Stage Manager: Tyler Ziemba
Advisor: Scott Sawa
Assistant Stage Managers:
Reagan Scott
Morgan Slad
Run Crew:
Gabrielle Boillat
Mia Cozzi
Ginny D’Alessio
Lights Crew:
Evan Sherman (Chair)
Alfonso Pineda
Giovanni Sprovieri
Sound Crew:
Nate Spratford (Co-Chair)
Rita Hynes (Co-Chair)
Danny O’Gallagher
Lily Ruiz
Props Crew:
Annie Jouras (Co-Chair)
Maddox McDonald (Co-Chair)
Stella Barnicle
Yoshanny Cordero
Costumes Crew:
Sophie Imelski (Co-Chair)
Charlie Shanley (Co-Chair)
Ellie Knott
Maeve Charlton
Brooks Simmons