The Snow Ball!
If you're buying a ticket and it's after 3pm on Friday, e-mail Eddie directly at so we don't miss you and can send you the links!
A virtual fundraiser to support The Theatre of Western Springs & The Children’s Theatre of Western Springs.
Friday, December 11th, 2020 -- 7-8pm
(VIP cocktail hour 6-7pm)
Please join us for a fun-filled hour or so of celebrating TWS & CTWS!
- Your hosts Danny Parrott (TWS!) and Jack & Audrey Parrott (CTWS!)
- Amazing auction items (Hawaii!, Cubs and Sox Tickets!, and more!)
- Delicious food (well, whatever’s in your kitchen…)
- A conversation with Eddie Sugarman and Lindsey Branson
- The exclusive premiere of the “It’s A Wonderful Western Springs Life” trailer!
Register for the VIP Cocktail Hour for more fun including:
- A custom Cocktail/Mocktail lesson and toast
- Very special appearances by Mrs. Robinson from The Graduate, Nick from The Great Gatsby, The Trunchbowl from Matilda, and more!
Register Now and we’ll see you there!
Get the party started right now by browsing and bidding on the Online Auction! We have amazing Trips, Dinners, Self-care Packages, and Sports Tix!
Your TWS/CTWS Party Committee
Peggy Carlson
Kelli Kopp
Laura Muriello
Laura Ciresi Starr
Eddie Sugarman
Vicki Ziemba