Aladdin Music Tracks 1. Arabian Nights (Part 1) PlayPauseStopMute
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HSR Acting: Acting Approaches
HSR Acting: Acting Approaches This class will help our serious actors with various ways to dig into the material. There are many different approaches to acting including Stanislavski, Meisner, Method, Strasberg and more. We will get them all a try! With this class, you’ll develop your own personal actor box that will assist you in…
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Jr. High/HSR: Dancing Musical Theatre/Character Dance
Jr High/HSR: Dance: Musical Theatre Dance/Character Movement It’s important for actors to develop all their tools- and that includes DANCE! Whether you are a beginner or experienced dancer, this class will focus on techniques specific to musical theatre dance. Learn important skills like basic dance terminology, how to work with an ensemble, proper foundations all…
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K-2nd Acting: Bedtime Books Theatre
K2 Acting: Bedtime Books Theatre Some of the most beloved and dynamic characters exist in our favorite nighttime stories. This class will use classic children’s literature to explore imagination, creativity, and characters. Some favorite tales such as Where the While Things Are, Goodnight Moon, The Giving Tree and many more will be used as a…
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