COVID-19 Protocols for CTWS Classes

COVID-19 Details CTWS "Fall Five" Outdoor Classes

Hello Parents & Caregivers!

Welcome to fall! We wanted to be able to give our students an opportunity to be creative and strengthen their skills while staying as possible. We bring you FALL FIVE IN THE OUTSIDE! 5 classes, socially distant outdoor classes running Sept 14-Oct 15th. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to

Parents should use their best judgement and discretion with enrolling their child(ren). While we will follow all state and CDC guidelines, we cannot guarantee no illness exposure in classes.

Group Chemistry/ Limiting Group Exposure

  • Classes will meet outdoors exclusively.
  • In the event of weather, we will cancel that class. An alternate class will be offered the week of Oct 16. If more than one class gets cancelled, additional makeups will be held online. Notification of weather cancellations will be sent my noon.
  • We will cap classes to a small group size.
  • Each class with have a unique drop off.
  • Classes will each have their own designated (indoor) restroom.
  • We are adding a teaching aide to our elementary classes to assist with social distancing requirements.
  • If a confirmed COVID case is reported in a class, that class will be notified and classes will be moved online temporarily.
  • Musical theatre classes will have no singing by students, but they will act and move to music.


  • Class times have been adjusted to allow proper cleaning and sanitation of outdoor space between each class.
  • Hand sanitizer will be made easily available and used often, including upon entry and exit of class.
  • The building will be professionally cleaned twice per week.
  • Our disinfectant meets with CDC standards.

Social Distancing:

  • Students will be required to wear masks at all times. If a student forgets their mask, we will have disposable ones available.
  • Students should use the restroom prior to class.
  • We will be facilitating curbside drop off and pick up. Parents/drivers will remain in their cars.
  • Upon arriving, students will be given a contactless temperature check, hand sanitizer, and go directly to their outdoor space.
  • Parents and care givers will not be allowed to wait in the building.
  • 6 ft social distancing will be enforced with visual markers as well as verbal reminders throughout class.
  • Students who choose to repeatedly ignore or choose not to follow social distancing requests will be asked to leave camp without a refund (parents will be informed with a warning prior).
  • There will not be an in person showcase/open house, but rather video content offered to parents.

Illness/Refund Policy/COVID Withdraw:

  • Students who are exhibit illness symptoms of any kind should NOT come to class.
  • We ask that parents/caregivers report confirmed COVID test OR direct in person exposure to a confirmed COVID case, please report to CTWS as soon as possible.
  • If a student is directly exposed to, tests positive, or a family member is affected by COVID and they need to withdraw from the semester, a prorated refund will be issued at the request of the parent/caregiver.

*Special note for younger students. Students MUST be able to independently use the restroom, follow verbal commands, stay within their designated physical space and keep hands to themselves. Failure to do so will result in dismissal from class.