Category Archives: Class Days

Jr High: Tech 1

Jr High: Tech 1 Hammers, saws, paint, and more! Students are introduced to the basics of “behind the scenes” through thematic lessons about construction, set design, paint, lighting, sound, costumes, props, and stage management. This class works closely with the High School Repertory in preparing for their shows. Students should dress appropriately for backstage work…
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Jr High Improv: Improv 1

Jr High Improv: Improv 1 I’m going off script! Students think fast and have plenty of laughs in this upbeat class that teaches the fundamentals of improvisation. Not only will students enjoy games and comedic improv, but they’ll also learn techniques that will help them feel more confident as they grow into young performers. Fast…
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Jr High Improv 2: Forms and Fun of Improv*

Jr High Improv 2: Forms and Fun of Improv* Musical improv. The Harold. The Armando. Long Form. La Ronde. Montage. There are SOOOO many ways to improvise! This class will take a look beyond short form games and discover different styles and genres of the craft of improv. Come prepared to be truthful and create…
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HSR Improv: Play Nicely With Others

HSR Improv: Play Nicely With Others Saturday Night Live WATCH OUT! This class will focus on using improv as a tool for creating and performance of sketches. Work together with your ensemble to start and idea and see where the crazy takes you. Learn to allow a sketch to develop and grow while keeping it…
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