Recent Posts by Jen Torchia

2020-21 Season Offerings

As of now, TWS indoor programming has been suspended. During this intermission, we will continue to share virtual programming and events to stay connected with all of you. To get special access to all of our online programming at a lower price than our in-person season: Subscribe Today! Our subscribers receive links to our virtual…
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The Deputy Mayor has just shot himself and four couples need to get their stories straight. A fabulous farce!

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June 1 – June 11, 2017

About the Show

At a large, tastefully appointed Sneden's Landing townhouse, the Deputy Mayor of New York has just shot himself. Though only a flesh wound, four couples are about to experience a severe attack of Farce. Gathering for their tenth wedding anniversary, the host lies bleeding in the other room and his wife is nowhere in sight. His lawyer, Ken and wife Chris must get "the story" straight before the other guests arrive. As the confusions and mis-communications mount, the evening spins off into classic farcical hilarity.

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